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With servicing in mind, Wemoto has put together comprehensive Service Kits, designed to make life easier by providing the parts you need to service your motorcycle, in one handy bag.

Everyone's motorcycle needs a bit of TLC from time to time to keep it lubricated, clean, filtering oil and air properly and firing on all cylinders! So it is important to service it regularly making sure to include: tightening up any bolts which may have shaken loose, inspecting the tyres, lubricating your chain and changing the filters and oil, amongst other things.

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As well as parts, the motorcycle-specific kits also contain latex gloves which make a huge difference to the job. They don't affect your finger sensitivity for undoing those fiddly screws and completing intricate jobs, but keep your hands pristine so you can just take them off and carry on with your day without an age of scrubbing to get the oil and grime off your fingers.

The whole kit comes packed in a useful, washable and reusable cotton Wemoto bag - ready for you to grab and get to work. When you've finished your service you can use the handy drawstring cloth bag for other things.

With smaller cc bikes it can be helpful to service them even more regularly than the usual mileage or annual requirement and changing the oil and the filters can prolong their lives and keep them running really well for longer.

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Depending on your model, the kits will include some of the following: Air filter, Oil filter, Oil strainer, Fuel filter, NGK spark plugs, Sump plug washer, Oil filter o-ring, Oil filter screen, Engine oil and Latex gloves.

Service kits are available for the following motorcycle makes, from 1983-the present day: Honda Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Triumph, Yamaha and many more makes.


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