13 May 2015

Brighton Bikers' Nights

A great destination for a summer motorcycle ride

Brighton Bikers' Nights are back this summer and should be a great destination for a ride on the 16th June and the 18th August.


The event runs from 7 - 9.30 pm on Madeira Drive near the wheel on Brighton seafront (just east of the Pier) and admission is FREE!

As well as the usual great meet up which has been running for a couple of years now and has been well attended by motorcyclists, there will be more going on this year with taster sessions of"BikeSafe" and "Biker Down".


* BikeSafe is a police led motorcycle project that is run by most police  forces throughout the UK. The main aim is to reduce the number of motorcyclists being hurt on the roads. The idea is that riding which is already fun, will be safer and more enjoyable as well with improved skills, knowledge and hazard awareness so the course teaches all those things.

*Bikerdown is an initiative to teach people what to do in the first few moments after an accident involving a motorcyclist. The initial reactions of those at the scene of a crash can make a crucial  difference to the outcome and the lives of those involved so the course aims to give clear advice as to what to do if you are the first on the scene of an accident.

There will also be bands playing to liven things up and a raffle prize draw.  The event is funded by the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership and run with Brighton Council, Mag and Serv Sussex. It is  in support of the Kent Surrey and Sussex air ambulance so it is even in a good cause as well – what's not to like!


For more information go to the web page: Road safety for moped and motorcycle riders      

or the facebook page: brightonbikersnights


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